"The old curse must be plenty rugged on you gals" - March 29, 1943

Sgt. L. Winsauer, 36212741
APO 253, Div. Hq. Co.,
Indiantown Gap M.R., Pa.

Miss Jean Johnson
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Monday nite, 3/29/43

Dearest Darling,

Hi sweet, I just had a husky cup of nice black coffee and feel wide awake again. After chow tonight I lay down on my bunk for just a few minutes, fell fast asleep, and didn't wake up until 9:30. Stopped in at the PX for a couple pkgs. of Camels on my way to the dispensary and here I am. This past week has just flown by cause I've been kept on the go from the time I hit the Dispensary at about 7:30 in the morning till recall at 5:00 in the afternoon. Right now most of the work is on the reports and records, but there are so damn many little things that have to be done besides that it keeps me on the jump. I don't mind the work at all cause it does make the time go so fast, and every day that passes is one less to wait till the day when we'll be together again. We transferred a buck sergeant into our outfit from one of the other dispensaries, and he's going to take my place when I go to school. He's a pretty good man, but hasn't been a heck of a lot of help yet, cause he's just tagging along and learning the routine here. As soon as he gets on the beam I'm going to start taking it a little easy and let him do the worrying.

I wrote home, let's see, I think it was a week ago today, and told them that we were going to be married when I finished OCS. Today I got a card from Mother, but she didn't say anything about it, so I 'spect she hadn't got the letter at the time she wrote the card. Your letters have been getting here in two days but it takes about four or five from Kohler when it's not air mail. As usual darling, all your letters have been swell. I'm glad your mother is sort of planning on our getting married, cause hon' this time it's for sure. I'm pretty sure I'll get some time off after I finish school, so we can plan pretty definitely on being married at home, but in this G. damn army you can't be too sure about anything.

Darling you do exactly what you wish about announcing our engagement. I'm all for it, and anything you do is O.K. with me. I still haven't heard how soon I'll be going to school, but if I go some time in April we can be married some time in July—Gee, doesn't that sound swell—hope they keep me so damn busy the weeks just fly by. The time can't go too fast now.

I've been figuring out how much I can save by July and on paper I get a nice total—somewhere around 250.00.

Tuesday nite

Last night a fellow came in with a gash above his eye — he was stewed to the gills and it took two of us to hold him down while the captain put in a couple of stitches — seems someone hit him with a beer bottle over in the p.x. (the drunk — not the captain). Anyway I didn't get my letter finished, so here I am again tonight.

As I was saying, I should be able to save about $250.00 by July. After this month I'll be getting $96.00 per month, and that'll be for April, May, and June. I cancelled my bonds this month too, so I'll be drawing the full $96.00. Haven't been playing any poker lately because I haven't had the money to get in a game, but from here on in I guess I better swear off — money or no money — just in case.

Sorry to hear you weren't feeling any too well last week — hope by this time you're back on the beam again. The old curse must be plenty rugged on you gals  — but guess you know it's just some necessary.

Oh, and on that saltpetre deal —darling that'd never be rape — if you'd need the stuff half as much as I would I'd send you a couple of pounds, but I'd like to see that day.  — Boy, aren't we the filthy ones though.

Tonight, before I got back to this letter I wrote up our monthly sanitary report on all four of the companies we take care of. By the time I finished I had quite a manuscript — nearly two full typewritten pages. Wish I could bang out letters as easily as I can make out reports, but guess you're going to have to take care of most of the correspondence in the L. Winsauer family.

Well darling today's been another busy one and I'm awfully tired so I'll say goodnight for now — missing you as always

I love you
