"Another typical army Monday" - March 1, 1943

Sgt. L A Winsauer
Div. Hq. Co. APO 253
Indiantown Gap M.R., Pa.

Miss Jean Johnson
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Monday nite

Hi again darling,

Didn’t get it to finish this letter last night ‘cause we got a call to pick up a boy who was sick over in the barracks, and as I was here Lt. Gordon asked me to go over with him. We brought the kid over to the dispensary and he was really one sick chick. Finally sent him to the hospital for possible appendicitis and afterwards I got into a bull session with the C.Q.s on the same old stuff — how long the wars going to last, what we’d be doing if we were home, etc., etc. It finally got so late I thought I’d better hit the hay. And darling did I have a neat little dream last night! Can’t remember an awful lot about it except that the war was over, we were married and living — of all places — here in this dispensary. Screwy, but I guess you know we had just some fun — until our bed broke— and just then I wake up. But hon’ while it lasted — Whew.

Today was just another typical army Monday. Same as any other day except that there were twice as many headaches and upset stomachs from the weekend and therefore we dished out ten times as many aspirins. Tonight though we saw a pretty good show for a change. It was “Revielle with Beverly” or Beverly at Revielle” — don’t know which — anyway it was good — especially Anne Miller’s tap dancing. Boy that chicken can really shake it up. 

Well darling it’s getting late again and we’ve got another hike scheduled for tomorrow so I’ll say good night for now wishing the heck we could be saying it in each others arms. Gosh Shorty won’t that be the day though — its all I ever think of. ’Till then I’ll miss you and love you,

As always,
